Electric Vehicle (EV) sales are growing rapidly and are expected to achieve a global market share of 60% or more by 2030 according to the IEA. Realizing the environmental benefits of EVs depends on the lifetime of the batteries that power them. EV battery faults begin when small problems in a battery cell, for example internal shorts, are exacerbated by the flow of current through the cell. Battery faults can develop once a vehicle is in use and cause dangerous and damaging battery fires. Inline testing is a process whereby each cell is rapidly tested for defects at the end of the production line. X-ray imaging is ideal for battery testing because it is non-destructive and can image the interior structure of the cell. X-ray imaging can be 2D or 3D, but Spectrum Logic detectors are suitable for 3D imaging (CT) which provides the a higher sensitivity in battery inspection compared to 2D. Find out more.
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